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Community Safety

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their community. We are committed to creating safer neighborhoods by tackling crime, supporting victims, and working in partnership with local services to protect residents from harm.


  • Violence Against Women and Girls: We will take strong action to prevent violence against women and girls by investing in education, prevention programmes, and better support services. This includes working with local organisations to deliver safe spaces, counselling, and advocacy services for survivors. We will push for greater police accountability and tougher enforcement of laws to protect women and girls from harm.

  • Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB): Anti-social behaviour affects the quality of life for too many residents. We will work with the police, councils, and community groups to create a joined-up approach to tackling ASB, including more visible community policing, targeted youth outreach programmes, and swift action against persistent offenders. Commitment to deploying Community Wardens in our communities.

  • Supporting Victims of Crime: Victims deserve compassionate, timely support. We will advocate for greater investment in victim support services, including counselling, practical advice, and legal support for those affected by crime.

  • Multi-Agency Working: Effective community safety requires partnership. We will promote greater collaboration between the police, councils, housing providers, health services, and community groups to ensure a coordinated response to crime and disorder. This will include setting up local safety forums to give residents a stronger voice in shaping community safety priorities.

  • Preventing Crime at Its Roots: We believe in tackling the causes of crime, not just its symptoms. We'll push for early intervention programmes, youth services, and support for families at risk to break the cycle of offending and create safer communities for the long term.


By putting community safety, prevention, and victim support at the heart of our policies, we will ensure every resident feels safe, supported, and protected.

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